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Top 8 Shoulder workouts with weights

Top 8 Shoulder workouts with weights 

Have you been side lateral raising an overhead pressing to come home but for some reason your shoulders just don't seem to grow anymore I'm gonna show you five exercise alternatives today to try to get those gains back off a life support and get those shoulders of yours grown once again . 

Let me ask you a question when's the last time you made your way up the rack here on your side lateral raises and may be bumped up and made a 10 pound increase or even a 5 pound increase or even on your overhead press added 20 pounds to the lift , now those two exercises always should be the cornerstone of your shoulder training but what are you gonna do if they gain stop coming are you gonna continue to bang your head against the wall I don't think so I think what you need to do and start to look to other exercise options and that's why I got 5 here today for you . now I'm gonna break down the reasons why I think they're gonna help the jump start those gains once again so let's get to it. 

Alright so the first exercise here is one of them absolutely in love with it because it still allows you to overhead press but it prevents us from getting lazy on the exercise because it demands that we stay tight through our core and even down through our glutes

1. Z - press

Top 7 Shoulder workouts with weights

Alright so for this exercise guys you're actually gonna be performing it here on the ground on your ass but it's to make sure that everything above there is working and working hard and that's where again we get lazy on the overhead press when we stand sometimes and the benefit of being tight through your core is going to be really really helpful to getting higher numbers on the press so what we do is we set up here the legs out in front of us chest up sitting up as tall as you can it's going to reinforce something else that's really important and that's maintaining good thoracic extension which is again gonna help us to get our arms up overhead so you grab hold of the bar nice and tight just outside your shoulders stay up nice and tall the whole time press up overhead and down there's no better exercise when it comes to reinforcing and demanding that you learn how to keep that core tight during the overhead press all right now sticking with the press one of the things that you don't get on any overhead press whether it be with dumbbells or the barbell is a stretch on the delt because we never take them into that range of motion which would be extension at the shoulder

2. Scoop press

scoop press instead of starting your presses from where you start , keep it about a 90 degree bend in your elbow and you let them travel back into extension so that when we come out of here we're getting an additional stretch on the front delt fibers I come up scoop up out of it and continue the press up top down scoop up and press again you're getting that benefit of extension that will place additional stretch on the delt that we don't get when we started . 

3. Jammer 

Top 7 Shoulder workouts with weights
Top 7 Shoulder workouts with weights
Top 7 Shoulder workouts with weights

 something you're going to want to try this one here is called the jammer and the jammer equipment is not something you'll find in every gym around the country but it does have a purpose and that is to develop more explosive power on your overhead pressing and the benefit there sometimes getting the ability to actually just handle more weight because you can utilize more muscles in your body sometimes helps to lift your overall press so when you go back to strict pressing you have more weight to actually push up the benefit here as you would expect is just to use your entire body and if you don't have access to this you could always do a dumbbell push press or you could also do a thruster but I get in this position here one legs drop back I'm gonna sit down into it and actually use my legs as I go up and press together.

so it's all time and one explosive now there comes two lateral raises I've gone to great lengths to tell you guys how important it is to sometimes lighten the weight and focus more on the quality of how you perform every repetition however there's also a real value and sometimes going a lot heavier than what you're used to and breaking out of your comfort zone and that's where this exercise comes in. 

 4.cheat lateral 

Top 7 Shoulder workouts with weights

so in this case what you do is you actually choose a weight that's heavier than what you're used to on the lateral raise and the goal is not the strict form raise it up out to the side that's what the lighter dumbbells are for here you actually want to take advantage of the momentum in the cheat element to get the dumbbell up to the top and then force the delt to have to hold contract freeze for a split second and then each centrally control and as you see here we get a little bit of that additional benefit of the stretch on the mid dealt at the bottom position. 
Now when it comes to building Big Shoulders you can't keep neglecting the rear delt just because you can't see it you've got to make sure you train all three heads and the next two exercises are gonna do just that they're gonna hit it and hit it hard all right so the first exercise up here is called the

5. Dumbbell Urlacher

what it does is it combines not just extension of the arm back behind the body which is necessary for that rear delt activation but it also gets the rotator cuff involved which is good not just for the health of your shoulder but also to make the rotator cuff work with the rear delt together as they prefer to so what we do is we'll grab a couple dumbbells and we're going to kind of look like we're hammer curling them at first but really we're just trying to get the weight moving and here we're trying to get the weights so that they're facing forward when they face forward we have to externally rotate our shoulders to get them there that's the rotator cuff part but then we drive the elbows back behind our body which gives us that extension so it's a nice tight movement where I'm keeping the dumbbells close to my body and then opening them so my hands are facing you at the end and finally exercise number five if you have access to a gym this is going to give you a lot of same benefits that the air Locker did but actually a couple additional ones too that are going really light up your rear delt this one here is called the dumbell urlacher.

6. wrap around rear delt row 

Top 7 Shoulder workouts with weights

we're getting here we're still gonna get extension of the arm back behind our body we're actually to get some of that external rotation too but we get the benefit with this cross arm wraparound positioning to get an additional stretch on the rear delt in the beginning position here so we grab across the body here we'll grab across the body here we get a set in position here athletic stance I'm gonna pull back nice and tight and then try to get the back of my hands facing back behind me for that external rotation but the elbow is in extension back behind the body and again you get that stretch on the bottom and start position .

7. Arnold press
Top 7 Shoulder workouts with weights
Top 7 Shoulder workouts with weights

Sit on the bench holding dumbbells in your arms and your palms should be facing your shoulders , although you've just finished a bicep curl. Now push the dumbbells in the  upward direction , towards and above your head , palms facing away from you , then bring it back slow and reverse the movement. 

8. Barbell push press

Top 7 Shoulder workouts with weights

Hold a barbell at shoulder height and at shoulder width apart , palms facing outwards hold em tight enough, now bend your knees for the initial move and push the the barbell explosively upwards , hold there for a second and bring it back to the start position and this is about how many reps you can repeat it up to. 

 These Exercises are gonna be great for building up your shoulders and these are gonna be different exercises with presses with raises with rear delt type stuff so it's gonna be hitting all areas of your shoulder , depending on what exercise it is obviously so if you're going to use these exercises to build a workout make sure you're not doing a bunch of rear delt exercises and nothing else make also make sure you're not doing all of these you only want to pick three maybe four or five tops of these exercises and then do three or four sets of each of those . 

Right first up Z press helps with your cord , second dumbbell screw press front delt stretch right number, three well bonus jammers if you don't have it screw it but it gives you power , number four cheat laterals it's going to be a real man do the cheat lateral get that weight up and number five the wrap around rear delt row we'll that's gonna give you a real men look and Of course the other two.

To read more shoulder workouts click here


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