Best workout for bicep and tricep
( bicep-forearms-wrist ):-
you wear a half t-shirts , or it can be a shirt as well one of the most attractive parts of your upper body are your biceps and of course the lower hands . You wanna make em look attractive , Of course you want to . But how to workout for biceps . Can it only be grown lifting up weights, no that's not true there are exercises for biceps at home that can be performed without weights so here are some no equipment exercises for biceps you need to perform in order to pump out your biceps .
Push ups
You can add a variety of push ups
Chin up:-
Downward - Dog push ups:-
Arm rotation:-
( bicep-forearms-wrist ):-
you wear a half t-shirts , or it can be a shirt as well one of the most attractive parts of your upper body are your biceps and of course the lower hands . You wanna make em look attractive , Of course you want to . But how to workout for biceps . Can it only be grown lifting up weights, no that's not true there are exercises for biceps at home that can be performed without weights so here are some no equipment exercises for biceps you need to perform in order to pump out your biceps .
Push ups
- Push ups are the one of the most evergreen exercises as it involves most of the parts of our bodies that means it also involves your shoulders , your biceps and of course your forearms and wrists
- As even when you hold yourself in the push ups position your entire arm bears the strain of holding your entire body weight on them and obviously when you go down you come up your wrists , forearms and your biceps puts all the pressure in that process .
You can add a variety of push ups
Pull ups:-
- Pull ups puts great pressure on your outer biceps that is the long head which makes your biceps pump out and makes em look attractive . It works faster than push pups however it does not targets much on the growth of triceps but helps your long head muscles to grow
- Burpees are one of the full body exercises and it involves hands too , it too puts great pressure on your arms as you go all up and then all down . As you go down you do a rep of push ups then you've to goo on your knee put pressure on your toes and as you go up you stretch your hands up so this is a kind of compound exercise that involves stretching as well as it helps grow the muscles as well .
- These are some of the exercises that you can begin with , all these exercises will help you grow your muscles and are the best way to grow biceps muscles initially but these exercises will be growing muscles up to a certain level . There are exercises for bigger biceps but exercises for bigger biceps needs some heavy weight lifting and some intense workouts that would grow your biceps muscles to an exceptionally good level .
Chin up:-
- The Beginner's have always been facing problems with the proper technique to do pull ups and if you mistake the basics then nothing is gonna go your way .
- Mistakes you do is you just pull yourself up as much as you can and after you reach there you just leave yourself and come down , no matter how many reps you do this way this is not at all going to improve anything in you .
- The proper technique is just about being slow being patient,
- Hold the bar
- Pull your self up until your chin goes above the bar
- Hold yourself for at least 2 seconds there
- Then go back slow
- This might look a slow process but this is the actual way your muscles grow because this is the way you complete the exercise , being slow but doing the actual way of doing it increases your muscle's endurance . After you being doing it for some days it would become as simple as any other exercise .
Downward - Dog push ups:-
- This is where you can start from , it is partly a kind of stretching exercise but and partly lower version of the actual push ups , it does not puts much of pressure on your arms , it basically stretches all of your arm muscles and let's your muscles have the space to grow.
- This exercise basically focuses upon your triceps and also short head muscles just behind your long head muscles and help both em grow
- At first you need to put your hands behind you bend in your elbows hold something that is around your knee height , bend at that level leave your legs free stretched ahead , go down and slowly come up you can do around 8-10 reps in the beginning that would be good enough .
Arm rotation:-
- Arm rotation , no but this is not an exercise that would help arms grow , this is what most of the people think but unless you stretch up your muscles you not going to let them grow.
- Most of the people think that just by lifting up heavy weights and and putting lot of pressure on their arms or any other body part they're helping it grow and bringing it in shape but that's completely wrong unless you do it in the right way and giving your muscles proper time to grow and of course stretching it.
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