Faster way to fat loss the ultimate guide Part - 1 We're born into this world as small babies and as a baby we grow generally at six months and infants birth weight has doubled and tripled by their first birthday . As an infant grows older growth continues in fact growth and height usually stops at about the age of 22 for males and 16 for females , there are a lot of changes going on in the body during this growth period , which requires a lot of energy exemption , during this period body's organs , bones and other body tissues are growing larger and lean body muscles are being developed . So there is a specific energy requirement for all of these growth process all from well food of course . So when we're young with all the growth taking place most of , if not all of the food we eat is being used as energy or fuel for growth that means not much . If any kind of fat storage is taking place once this growth period stops we are at the peak of our physical and the body enters...
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