We are going to talk about some food that we can have before and after a workout that accelerate the weight loss and the fat loss process . During the workout process we need some energy and this energy is being derived from protein carbs and fat that we eat so pre-workout meal is very very important in order to sustain the energy throughout the workout process and we don't feel exhausted and workout more and more up to a full potential and get best results out of it . One of the most easiest option is having a heavy fruit like an apple that is having good carbs so that it gives you a proprietary energy to sustain throughout your workout . Being extensively rich in protein peanut butter sandwiches so again a very good option for a pre-workout meal peanut butter increases the good cholesterol in your body and is a very good source of protein for vegetarians . Banana being rich in vitamin D protein and calcium it's very good option as a pre-workout meal to sustain the energy but ...
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